Hi, Review period of Compute library extended till December 30. Some notes and answers to them that were pointed out during review so far: * Some of the algorithms could be tuned for a specific hardware - Library author is working on a auto-tuning solution and improves existing algos * Why OpenCL C API used instead of C++ API? - C++ API had issues, C API allows a bit more control. No C++ API for OpenCL 2.0 * API is not N4105 compatible, library is not N*** compatible - This could be easily fixed by a library that will use Compute as a backend * Some of the algorithms return futures while other work with command queues - This is because of the OpenCL design + async chains/futures would be probably added later * Not all the types of the Khronos API are supported - A few types are not documented yet, there's a patch in the works which would allow the Khronos C++ types to be passed into Compute algorithms * A few type related errors could be detected at compile time - This will be fixed, more asserts would be added to runtime only checkable places. Report issues to the tracker https://github.com/kylelutz/compute/issues * On small data sets CPU algorithm would work faster than a GPGPU. How about implicitly dispatching algo on CPU in those cases? - The call on whether to execute the algorithm should be left up to the user. While library author agrees that this would be a useful feature, he just don't think Compute is the right place for that logic. * How about providing way to do chains of async operations - This is a big task that will be solved some day. * How about providing Boost.ASIO like error handling via throw and error_code - Implementing an approach like ASIO's wouldn't be that difficult. Thanks to all the reviewers for spending their time and providing useful comments so far! -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin