The formal review of the Assign v2 library upgrade by Erwann Rogard starts tomorrow, June 15th and is scheduled to continue until June 24th. About Assign v2 =============== Assign v2 is an upgrade of Boost.Assign (1.0) that redefines its functionality, with optional C++0x support and new features. It is a compact interface for executing the repetitive tasks of assigning or inserting container elements. Please see the change log (linked below) for more detail on the motivation for this library and pointers for navigating the documentation. Where to get it =============== The documentation is online at: http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/assign_v2/libs/assign/v2/doc/html/ind... With the change log at: http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/assign_v2/libs/assign/v2/doc/html/boo... The Assign v2 source can be found in the Boost sandbox at: http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/assign_v2/ or downloaded from: http://www.boostpro.com/vault/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=assign_v2_r72537.zip&directory=& Review guidelines ================= Reviews should be submitted to the developer list (boost@lists.boost.org), with '[assign]' in the subject. Or if you don't wish to for some reason, you can send them privately to me. If so, please let me know whether or not you'd like your review to be forwarded to the list. All reviews are appreciated, even if you don't have time for an in-depth study. The Assign v2 library consists of several largely independent components: Reference containers and chaining, container modification and generation, and conversion of ranges to containers. If you wish, feel free to review and even vote on these separately. For your review you may wish to consider the following questions: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? And finally, every review should answer this question: - Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library? Be sure to say this explicitly so that your other comments don't obscure your overall opinion. More detail on the review process is available at: http://www.boost.org/community/reviews.html John Bytheway Review Manager