Hi all, after working through the pile of mails submitted for the review of the Collection Traits Library from Thorsten Ottosen, it is obvious, that it is ACCEPTED to Boost. All of the reviewes voted YES to include the library. Congratulations Thorsten! Most of the issues brought up during the review (mainly documentation nitpicks) were resolved already by Thorsten (or Thorsten agreed to fix them). Here are the open ones: 1) There were some discussions, whether the library should be renamed and/or incorporated with other ongoing efforts. There was no definitive consensus, how to achieve this. But the discussions showed that it seems to be good, if the collection traits library could be integrated with other libraries, existing and currently developed, to make it a part of a future Boost.Range library. I'm sure, that we'll see a lot of corresponding discussions in the future. 2) The strong requirement that end() should have constant complexity rules out the integration of C-strings into the library. Additionally special threatment of char[] arrays is needed, so they behave in the same way as their char* conterparts. The problem, that end(char[]) pointed to the byte after the '\0' was corrected already. Regards Hartmut Review Manager