For those who prefer printable docs, PDF builds of the docs from Boost-1.40 are now available from the usual sourceforge download site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/ (look under the boost-docs subtree). Direct links are as follows: zip (19.2Mb): https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-docs/1.40.0/boost_pdf_1_4... tgz (19.7Mb): https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-docs/1.40.0/boost_pdf_1_4... 7z (17.9Mb): https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-docs/1.40.0/boost_pdf_1_4... Please note that not all libraries have documentation suitable for automatic PDF generation yet, libraries covered are: Accumulators Any Array Asio Bimap Bjam Boost.Build Range Boostbook TR1-complex number algorithms Concepts Config Conversion Date_time Foreach Function FunctionTypes Fusion Hash Interprocess Intrusive Iterator Lambda Math (special functions and distributions) Math-gcd MPI Octonion Optional Phoenix ProgramOptions Proto Python tutorial Quaternion Quickbook Ref Regex ScopeExit Signals Signals2 StaticAssert StringAlgo Thread TR1 Tribool TypeTraits Typeof Units Unordered Variant Xpressive Enjoy! John Maddock.