Dear All, It's a pleasure to announce that the review of Daniel James' hash functions library starts today (8th of March) and ends the 12th of March. The library is fairly small and can be seen as an extension to boost.functional. Therefore the review is a fast-track review.
From the introduction of the library:
"boost::hash is an implementation of the hash function object specified by the C++ Standard Library Technical Report. It is being proposed as an addition to Boost.Functional" "The hash functions have several possible uses, but the main intention of boost::hash is for indexing a hash table such as the unordered associate containers in the Technical Report, or the hash index for the Boost Multi-Index Containers Library. A hash table stores its values in buckets which are numbered by their keys' hash values. Given a key, the bucket the object lies in can be quickly found be calculating its hash value and looking in the corresponding bucket. This requires the hash function to be fast - since the point is to find the object quickly. Collisions need to be minimised, to reduce the number o objects in each bucket, and thus the number of comparisons required to find objects in a bucket." . If you decide to do a review, please follow the guidelines described in http://www.boost.org/more/formal_review_process.htm#Comments The library can be downloaded from http://boost-sandbox.sourceforge.net/vault/index.php?directory=Hash best regards Thorsten, review manager -- Thorsten Ottosen ---------------------------- www.dezide.com www.cs.aau.dk/index2.php?content=Research/bss www.boost.org www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/