Dear Boosters, [first of all allow me to apology for not doing this before. My small consulting bussines suddenly grew out of proportion and now is way over my head, keeping me working/managing 16 hours a day] I am pleased to announce that the Boost.Polygon library from Lucanus Simonson has been accepted into boost provided some of the most critical concerns, detailed below, are addressed first. First of all I would like to thank Lucanus and Intel Corporation for making this work available to all C++ developers around the world. I would also like to thank all the reviewers that participated (in no particular order nor degree of participation) Thomas Klimpel Frank Mori Hess Barend Gehrels Andreas Fabri Jeffrey Hellrung Tim Keitt Markus Werle Paul A. Bristow Robert Stewart Mathias Gaunard Michael Fawcett Steven Watanabe Joachim Faulhaber John Bytheway Sebastian Redl Mika Heiskanen John Phillips Kai Benndorf Hartmut Kaiser Arash Partow Maurizio Vitale Brandon Kohn David Abrahams Gordon Woodhull Daniel James John Maddock Tom Brinkman Bo Persson Mateusz Loskot Christian Henning Jean-Sebastien Stoezel The library had 6 yes votes and 4 no votes. Those who voted no made the following major complains and remarks (they are numbered as I will refer to them back later): Barend Gehrels: (1) According to his benchmarks, intersection algorithms are unnecesarily slow as if something where fundamentally wrong in the design and/or implementation. AFAICT the implication has not been proved or disproved so far, hence I consider it a red herring and cannot take it as a reason for rejecting the library, but it is important to look at it in detail. (2) As a major complain, the library is unusable in those domains where floating point support is a requirement (like GIS). (3) The library should contain some basic polygon geometry algorithms such as convex hull and centriod Phil Endecott: (4) There is no concept checking in the code so it is difficult to adapt. (5) There where too many warnings and build errors (but Luke fixed these) (6a) The documentation needs a better overview of operations supported by the concetps. (6b) It also needs the details on the algorithms complexities. (6c) It also misses the numerical requirements for the coordinate type. (6d) And tutorials. (7) Some operators are ambiguous and it would be better to keep just one of each "flavor". (8) The polygon_data template class is parameterized by a coordiante type rather than a point type. This makes it useless for integration with existing geometric data types Michael Fawcett: (5), (6a), (6d) (9) T9he API should provide versions using output iterators in addition to output container references. (10) Theoreticall the library would be usable with a user defined coordinate type (metting certain requirements now undocumented), for example a fixed point data type, but some details in the internal design and implementation prevents this. (11) As a major complain, the library is unusable in those domains where floating point support is a requirement (like GIS). Hartmut Kaiser: (11), (1) Fernando Cacciola: (12) The name of the library should change to better indicate that is restricted to Integral coordinates and two-dimensions. (13) The documentation must contain a "credits" section acknowledging all the people that participated in the review. For the library to be effectively accepted, points (5),(6a-d),(10), (12) and (13) should properly addressed ((5) is already done AFAICT) It would be quite significant if point (1) where looked into. Once again I thank Lucanus, Intel Corporation and all the reviwers. Best regards -- Fernando Cacciola SciSoft Consulting, Founder http://www.scisoft-consulting.com _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost