Dear Boost, The second round of peer review of proposed Boost.TypeIndex finished on Wed 30th, and here is the review manager's report. My thanks to the five reviewers who took the time and trouble to submit full reviews, plus to everyone else who commented. Votes regarding acceptance: 4 voted to accept TypeIndex into Boost immediately. 1 voted to accept into Boost with conditions. Overall: I recommend immediate acceptance into Boost. Conditions: 1. No one liked the present boost::typeind namespace, almost anything else would be better. I see the namespace has already changed in the develop branch to boost::typeindex, so I think this is already solved. Other common comments: * More than one reviewer mentioned how they liked the docs. * More than one reviewer expressed a desire for an ability to programmatically parse through type specifier strings. I agree with Antony that that is another library which isn't TypeIndex (something Boost.Spirit based which works directly with mangled symbol string representations, representing them as a partial AST - preferably also with a libclang compatible backend - would be great, but that is a totally different library and TypeIndex 3.x provides extensibility for such an additional function). * More than one reviewer sought some method of preventing link if you mix up incompatible uses of TypeIndex and/or with RTTI. Niall -- Currently unemployed and looking for work in Ireland. Work Portfolio: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/nialldouglas/