============================================== Review Wizard Status Report for January 2012 ============================================== News ==== 1. Type Traits Library Extensions Accepted 2. AutoIndex Tool Accepted 3. Heaps Library Accepted 4. Assign v2 Library Rejected 5. Type Traits Introspection Library Accepted 6. Lockfree Library Accepted 7. Algorithm Library Accepted 8. Atomic Library Accepted 9. Local Library Accepted 10. Context Mini-review Ongoing Open Issues =========== The following libraries have been reviewed and await reports from their review managers: * Conversion - reviewed August 2011; review manager: Gordon Woodhull. The following libraries have been accepted to Boost, but have not yet been submitted to SVN: * Constrained Value - accepted September 2010; author: Robert Kawulak * GIL.IO - accepted January 2011; author: Christian Henning. * Atomic - accepted July 2011; author Helge Bahmann * Lockfree - accepted August 2011; author: Tim Blechmann. * Algorithm - accepted December 2011; author: Marshall Clow The following libraries have been accepted and submitted to SVN, but have not yet appeared in a release: * Heaps - accepted June 2011; author: Tim Blechmann. * Type Traits Introspection - accepted August 2011; author: Edward Diener. The following libraries have been accepted provisionally to Boost, but have not been submitted for mini-review and full acceptance: * Log - accepted provisionally March 2010; author: Andrey Semashev. * Endian - accepted provisionally November 2011; author: Beman Dawes. After repeated failed attempts to contact the author, the following library has been marked as Orphaned. * Switch library, accepted provisionally January 2008 author: Steven Watanabe. General Announcements ===================== As always, we need experienced review managers. Please take a look at the list of libraries in need of managers and check out their descriptions. In general review managers are active boost participants, including library contributors, infrastructure contributors, and other mailing list participants with a substantial track record of constructive participation. If you can serve as review manager for any of them, email Ron Garcia or John Phillips, "rxg at cs dot cmu dot edu" and "phillips at pacific dot mps dot ohio-state dot edu" respectively. We are also suffering from a lack of reviewers. While we all understand time pressures and the need to complete paying work, the strength of Boost is based on the detailed and informed reviews submitted by you. If you are interested in reviewing a library but won't have time during the review period, you can always prepare your review ahead of time. No rule says you can only work on a review during the review period. A link to this report will be posted to www.boost.org. If you would like us to make any modifications or additions to this report before we do that, please email Ron or John. The review schedule is an unordered list of the libraries awaiting review. As such, any library on the schedule can be reviewed once the developer is ready, a review manager has been secured, and the manager, developer, and wizards agree on a date to schedule the review. Review Schedule =============== * Join (M) * Pimpl (M) * Sorting (M) * Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices (M) * Variadic Macro Data (M) * Block Pointer (M) * Network (M) * Singularity (M) * Predef (M) ``(M)`` marks libraries that need review managers. -------------------- Join ---- :Author: Yigong Liu :Review Manager: Needed :Download: http://channel.sourceforge.net/ :Description: Join is an asynchronous, message based C++ concurrency library based on join calculus. It is applicable both to multi-threaded applications and to the orchestration of asynchronous, event-based applications. It follows Comega's design and implementation and builds with Boost facilities. It provides a high level concurrency API with asynchronous methods, synchronous methods, and chords which are "join-patterns" defining the synchronization, asynchrony, and concurrency. Pimpl ----- :Author: Vladimir Batov :Review Manager: Needed :Download: | `Boost Vault http://www.boost-consulting.com/vault/index.php?action=downloadfile&file...`__ | http://www.ddj.com/cpp/205918714 (documentation) :Description: The Pimpl idiom is a simple yet robust technique to minimize coupling via the separation of interface and implementation and then implementation hiding. This library provides a convenient yet flexible and generic deployment technique for the Pimpl idiom. It's seemingly complete and broadly applicable, yet minimal, simple and pleasant to use. Sorting ------- :Author: Steven Ross :Review Manager: Needed :Download: `Boost Vault http://www.boostpro.com/vault/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=alg...`__ :Description: A grouping of 3 templated hybrid radix/comparison-based sorting algorithms that provide superior worst-case and average-case performance to std::sort: integer_sort, which sorts fixed-size data types that support a rightshift (default of >>) and a comparison (default of <) operator. float_sort, which sorts standard floating-point numbers by safely casting them to integers. string_sort, which sorts variable-length data types, and is optimized for 8-bit character strings. All 3 algorithms have O(n(k/s + s)) runtime where k is the number of bits in the data type and s is a constant, and limited memory overhead (in the kB for realistic inputs). In testing, integer_sort varies from 35% faster to 2X as fast as std::sort, depending on processor, compiler optimizations, and data distribution. float_sort is roughly 70% faster than std::sort. string_sort is roughly 2X as fast as std::sort. Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices ------------------------------ :Author: Emil Dotchevski :Review Manager: Needed :Download: http://www.revergestudios.com/boost-qvm/ :Description: QVM defines a set of generic functions and operator overloads for working with quaternions, vectors and matrices of static size. The library also defines vector and matrix data types, however it allows users to introduce their own types by specializing the q_traits, v_traits and m_traits templates. Variadic Macro Data ------------------- :Author: Edward Diener :Review Manager: Needed :Download: `Boost Sandbox http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/variadic_macro_data/`__ :Description: The variadic_macro_data library adds support and functionality for variadic macros to Boost as well as integrating variadic macros with the Boost PP library without changing the latter library in any way. Block Pointer ------------- :Author: Phil Bouchard :Review Manager: Needed :Download: `Boost Sandbox https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/block_ptr/`__ :Description: Deterministic memory manager of constant complexity capable of handling cyclic collections. Network ------- :Author: Dean Michael Berris :Review Manager: Needed :Download: http://cplusplus-soup.com/2011/04/18/cpp-netlib-0-9-0-released/ :Description: This is a library that provides application layer protocol support using modern C++ techniques. It is light-weight, fast, cross-platform and is intended to be as easy to configure as possible. Singularity ----------- :Author: Ben Robinson :Review Manager: Needed :Download: https://github.com/icaretaker/Singularity :Description: The Singularity Design Pattern allows you to restrict any class to a single instance. Unlike the infamous Singleton, Singularity gives you direct control over the lifetime of the object, does not require you to grant global access to the object, nor does it limit you to the default constructor for that object. Predef ------ :Author: Rene Rivera :Review Manager: Needed :Download: http://tinyurl.com/73n6a3k :Description: The Predef library implements two simple tasks: 1. Definition of a single version number macro to provide consistent version number at the preprocessor level. 2. A collection of detected definitions for compilers, standard libraries, architectures, operating systems, and languages. Unlike the Boost Config Library it doesn't define language features and capabilities. But only defines presence of detected compilation context. Documentation and downloads are available in the sandbox.. Libraries under development =========================== See http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/LibrariesUnderConstruction for a current listing of libraries under development.