Boost Logo Contest

Hello, Boost ( is an open, collaborative effort that includes thousands of programmers from the C++ community at large. Boost is hoping to retire the existing logo ( and adopt a new one. We are now launching a competition for the creation of a new logo. The competition is open to all designers, both professional and non- professional. The final design must be submitted as a scalable vector format, preferably SVG or EPS. A free, open source, scalable vector graphics editor can be found here: Alternative bitmap versions (small, medium and large icons, web graphics, etc.) of the logo may also be submitted to augment the main vector format. A JPEG or PNG version, to be placed in a web page, must also be submitted for judging. The Boost community will vote on submitted entries. Voting shall be based on Instant Runoff Voting (, meaning that each individual voter shall choose 5 favorites, in order of preference. In addition to proper acknowledgement, the winning designer will receive: + the Boost Logo Designer T-shirt (printed with the winning logo design), plus, + a signed copy of the MPL book by David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy, C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond ( Entries will be accepted on or before February 15, 2005. I will act as the logo contest manager. Please email all entries to me (djowel at gmail dot com). I shall post all submitted entries to Boost's web site. The competition will close on March 1, 2005 and the winning entry will be announced soon thereafter. + The logo must be immediately identifiable with the spirit of Boost. + The logo's concept must be simple and clear and should have relevance to the organization. + The logo should not be too detailed and should work in low resolution. + Any logo submission that is blatantly racist, sexist, obscene, or otherwise discriminatory will be rejected. + The logo must be the original work of the submitter. + The logo must be free of any copyright or other intellectual property claims. + The winning logo shall be distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. ( Regards, Joel de Guzman _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes:
participants (1)