[thread_safe_signals][signals2] call for reviewers (review tentatively scheduled Nov 1st - Nov 10th)

Hello all, The review for the Signals2 library (formerly known as thread_safe_signals - description below) submitted by Frank Mori Hess has been tentatively scheduled for Nov 1st - Nov 10th. As per a recent discussion on the review process (http://tinyurl.com/48tdjs), and after consulting with the review wizards, we would like to try something new for this review: have a number of reviewers commit beforehand to submitting a review. The goal of signing up is to ensure that there is both sufficient interest in the library, and that there will be enough reviews submitted for an informed decision on acceptance. If you are interested in this library, I encourage you to sign up now to be a reviewer (by this you commit to submitting a review preferably by the end of the review period). Of course, additional reviews from non-signed-up reviewers will also be welcome, but without enough reviewers signing up beforehand it is not clear that we should proceed with a review at this time. To sign up, please send me a reply (here or privately), and let me know whether the review period is suitable for you (we can make some adjustments if necessary). I strongly encourage participation from reviewers that would examine the library from a purely user standpoint (commenting on the interface and / or the documentation), as well as reviewers that would be willing to look into the details of the implementation (i.e., you don't have to focus on both). I you would like to sign up, please let me know by this Saturday (October 18th). About the library: -------- * The library can be downloaded from: http://www.boostpro.com/vault/index.php?&directory=thread_safe_signals (latest version is signals2-2008-10-08.zip) * Documentation is also available online: http://www.comedi.org/projects/signals2/libs/signals2/doc/html/index.html * A synopsis: The Boost.Signals2 library (formerly known as thread_safe_signals) is an implementation of a managed signals and slots system. Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and are also called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected to some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event targets or subscribers), which are called when the signal is "emitted." Signals and slots are managed, in that signals and slots (or, more properly, objects that occur as part of the slots) can track connections and are capable of automatically disconnecting signal/slot connections when either is destroyed. This enables the user to make signal/slot connections without expending a great effort to manage the lifetimes of those connections with regard to the lifetimes of all objects involved. When signals are connected to multiple slots, there is a question regarding the relationship between the return values of the slots and the return value of the signals. Boost.Signals2 allows the user to specify the manner in which multiple return values are combined. * Relationship to Boost.Signals: This is a thread-safe variant of the original Boost.Signals library. There have been some changes to the interface to support thread-safety, mostly with respect to automatic connection management. The following thread offers some more details on the differences between the two implementations, as well as a plan of a phased replacement of Boost.Signals should Signals2 be accepted: http://tinyurl.com/4sqau3 [nabble] Again, if you are interested in this library, please consider signing up as a reviewer. Kind regards, Stjepan (review manager)
participants (1)
Stjepan Rajko