[BoostCon 2010] Submission deadline extended

In 2010 BoostCon celebrates its 4th anniversary in Aspen. You are invited to submit a paper or a session (see the original call for participation here: http://www.boostcon.com/community/wiki/show/Start/) for BoostCon 2010, Aspen on May 10 - May 14th, 2010. Please, see http://www.boostcon.com for more information. Important dates: Proposal submissions Extended to January 3, 2010 Proposals decisions sent January 25, 2010 (tentative program available) Fully scheduled program available February 10, 2010 Session materials due April 15, 2010 Hartmut Kaiser, email: hartmut.kaiser@gmail.com (Program Committee Chair) David Abrahams, email: dave@boostpro.com (Conference Chair) On behalf of the conference organizers
participants (1)
Hartmut Kaiser