[gsoc17] Boost will be participating in Google Summer of Code in 2017

I am very pleased to inform the Boost community that Google accepted us into their Summer of Code programme this year. This was especially welcome after we were given "a year off" last year which could have caused substantial disruption to the multi year student projects had it not been due to the timely action of the steering committee and generous sponsorship of a stop gap Boost Summer of Code in 2016 by IMC Financial Markets. Last year Google completely rebuilt the Summer of Code website so it no longer is anything like it was before. Now we must individually invite those who vote on student projects, so *anyone willing to rank student project proposals* can you please email us with your details: 1. Your email address matching your Google Account so we can invite you onto the GSoC programme. 2. (Optional) your email address matching your Github Account so we can invite you onto the Boost GSoC github org for 2017 as a potential mentor. Our thanks to those who have already added project ideas to https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2017, but we need MORE ideas and MORE potential project mentors. Follow the project idea template at https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/GSoCIdeaTemplate and either add it straight to the wiki page or email it to us so we can add it for you. Our thanks to all in advance.
participants (1)
Niall Douglas