[gsoc17] Help review Google Summer of Code proposals

Dear Boost, Student proposals for Google Summer of Code are submitted, please help us decide which have the most merit. I have reduced the fifty something proposals submitted down to twenty seven which have some chance. To be able to view and rank the student proposals, please do the following: 1. Send to gsoc-admin@boost.org your Google login. We will invite you to view the student proposals on the Boost Google Drive. Until you receive the invitation email, you won't be able to view the proposals. 2. Go to https://goo.gl/forms/EVppdHsHMnjkcUoD3 which is a Google form where you can score the proposals. We have linked each proposal there to the Google Drive item and there you can rank a proposal between 1 and 5. Make sure you use the same email as your Google login in the form, otherwise we will ignore any forms submitted to prevent gaming the results. 3. Even if you can't rank all twenty seven proposals, try to do as many as you can and then PRESS SUBMIT at the end of the form (forgetting to press SUBMIT means we never get your rankings). The proposals are presented in random order per person so any work you do will be useful. 4. Please try to have your rankings done by Monday 10th. You may find reviewing the page at https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2017 useful. 5. Finally, if you'd like to mentor any of the proposals, send to gsoc-admin@boost.org your Google login so we may invite you onto the Google website as a mentor. Many thanks in advance. Niall & Bryce
participants (1)
Niall Douglas