[1.38.0] PDF package of Boost documentation released.

Folks, A package containing PDF versions of Boost's documentation is now available for Boost-1.38.0 from the usual sourceforge download site: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=159715&release_id=662905 Please note that due to the diverse range of tools in use within Boost it has not been possible to produce PDF's for all of Boost's libraries, those currently included as PDF's are: accumulators any array asio bimap range complex-tr1 concepts config conversion date_time foreach function hash interprocess intrusive iterator math-gcd math mpi octonion optional phoenix program_options proto python_tutorial quaternion ref regex scope_exit signals static_assert string_algo thread tr1 tribool type_traits typeof units unordered variant xpressive Documentation for the following tools are also included in this package: bjam boost_build boostbook quickbook Regards, John Maddock.
participants (1)
John Maddock