Boost 1.36.0 release notice

Boost 1.36.0 has been released and is available from SourceForge. See This release include four new libraries: * Accumulators: Framework for incremental calculation, and collection of statistical accumulators, from Eric Niebler. * Exception: A library for transporting of arbitrary data in exception objects, and transporting of exceptions between threads, from Emil Dotchevski. * Units: Zero-overhead dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion, from Matthias Schabel and Steven Watanabe * Unordered: Unordered associative containers, from Daniel James. Updated libraries include Asio, Assign, Function, Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Math, MPI, Multi-index Containers, PtrContainer, Spirit, Thread, Wave, and Xpressive. The release managers were Beman Dawes, Rene Rivera, and Daniel James. One note of caution: the initial SourceForge release files were missing some of the documentation. If you downloaded before 16:00 UTC, August 14th, please download again to be sure to get the full distribution. Sorry for the inconvenience! --Beman Dawes PS: The 1.36.0 version of the web site should be up within a few hours. If you can't wait, see now!
participants (1)
Beman Dawes