The review of enable_if submitted Jaakko Järvi & Jeremiah Willcock & Andrew Lumsdaine starts today and runs through Sunday, October 12. From the introduction: "The enable_if family of templates is a set of tools to allow a function template or a class template specialization to include or exclude itself from a set of matching functions or specializations based on properties of its template arguments. For example, one can define function templates that are only enabled for, and thus only match, an arbitrary set of types defined by a traits class" This is going to be a fatstrack review. Fasttrack reviews have been introduced as a lightweight process in order to ease the acceptance of small utilities. I've put a more detailed description at the end of this message. When reviewing the library, please remember to include: * What is your evaluation of the design? * What is your evaluation of the implementation? * What is your evaluation of the documentation? * Does the utility fit your needs as a library author/user And finally, every review should answer this question: * Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library? The implementation can be found in the boost-sandbox the respective files are: boost/utility/enable_if.hpp libs/utility/doc/enable_if.html libs/utility/test/enable_if* Archives can be found at the following location: http://www.osl.iu.edu/~jajarvi/tmp/enable_if.zip http://www.osl.iu.edu/~jajarvi/tmp/enable_if.tar.gz Furthermore the archives can be found in the yahoogroups file section under: enable_if/enable_if.zip enable_if/enable_if.tar.gz !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only the sandbox version carries a boost compatible license. This is to avoid the repackaging effort. The final version will carry the boost license as the files in the sandbox do. So the license is a non-issue as far as this review goes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! About Fasttrack Review ====================== What components qualify for a fasttrack review - --------------------------------------------- - The technique must be already in use in boost libraries thus the new component provides a common implementation - The component must be small Procedure - --------- - A full boost-conformant implementation is available in the sandbox - The Boost Review Wizard posts a review announcement to the list. Review period should last for 5 days. No two fasttrack review should run in parallel. Fasttrack reviews may run during full reviews, though generally this should be avoided. - After the review period ended, the submitter will post a review summary containing planned changes to the current implementation. - After applying all changes, the component will be checked in to cvs by the submitter. Thomas Boost Review Wizard
participants (1)
Thomas Witt