[Review] ITL review starts today, February 18th

Hi all, The formal review of the Interval Template Library (ITL) starts today, February 18th, 2010 and will end February 27th, 2010. ITL is being developed by Joachim Faulhaber. ------------------------------------------------ About the library: The Interval Template Library (ITL) is a library of interval containers that facilitates computations on collections of intervals and associated values. Use cases of such computations typically occur in the date and time problem domain, when collections of time intervals with associated data are analyzed, combined and aggregated. But the scope of applications for interval containers is more general and not limited to date and time problems. Interval containers allow to access and manipulate collections of intervals on an abstract level as sets and maps (of elements), but also to exploit segmental information that is given by the interval borders. Interval containers are fairly generic. They can be instantiated with discrete domain (or key) types like integral numeric types or boost::date or time types. But they also work with continuous domain types like double, rational or string. Using the latter allows to represent infinite sets and maps. The interface of the interval containers strives to be very intuitive and in line with the stl and other boost libraries. * The set theoretic operations union, difference, intersection and symmetric difference are available as operators for all interval containers and for many useful overloads between them. * There is iterator support on the level of segments and interval containers can be combined with stl containers of intervals via stl algorithms. * For discrete domain types, element iterators are available which makes interval sets and maps models of SortedAssociative Containers so they can be used with many stl algorithms. All interval containers are addable and subtractable. The addability and subtractability concept of the ITL leads to a general mechanism of aggregation on interval_maps which is called 'aggregate on overlap'. Exploiting 'aggregate on overlap' allows to compute many useful aggregation results in a simple and abstract manner. The ITL's Set and Map concepts are defined by a signature and collections of laws or axioms. Those semantical constraints have been validated using automatic law based tests. This gives the library both a well founded formal specification and an unusual thorough test base. The ITL emerged out of real world use cases and is successfully used at Cortex Software GmbH since a couple of years in the production code of various applications. On the boost developer's list it has been proposed in four previews and a review request since May 2008 and has been refactored and refined according to boost standards and suggestions from the list. The ITL is available from the boost vault: http://www.boostpro.com/vault/index.php?action=downloadfile&filename=itl_3_2 _0.zip&directory=Containers Documentation is online available at: http://www.herold-faulhaber.de/boost_itl/doc/libs/itl/doc/html/index.html The current sources are in the sandbox: https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/itl/ ------------------------------------------------ Everybody on this list is invited to participate in this formal review. I hope to see your review of this library, including your vote, and I welcome your participation in the discussions on the Boost mailing list. Please always state in your review, whether you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library. Additionally, please consider giving feedback on the following general topics: - What is your evaluation of the design? - What is your evaluation of the implementation? - What is your evaluation of the documentation? - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems? - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? Regards Hartmut Review Manager --------------- Meet me at BoostCon www.boostcon.com
participants (1)
Hartmut Kaiser