Brian Braatz wrote:
Any help would be appreciated, tomorrow afternoon I am going to go
at it, and this time I might "get all medieval" about things :)
Rene Rivera Wrote: build/v2 is not used for building Boost. It's the experimental, and under development, next version of Boost.Build. If you plan on using BBv2 read its separate documentation at boost-root/tools/build/v2/index_v2.html
I am sorry - I am confused and am trying to find my way out: *- What is listed for download on sourceforge does not reference a version of build v1 or bjam v1 or what have you. ( I am confused as to how to get the older version) * when I build the code in jam_src and run it- it reports: Boost.Jam Version 3.1.8. OS=NT. This is the same version I used to build boost with (successfully) with vc7.1. I am using the source for bjam included in the 1.31 release of boost * when I try to build boost with a simple bjam stage at the root dir of boost, it succeeds * when I double check the BOOST_ROOT env var with a dir command- it shows me the right dir * my TOOLS envvar is set to TOOLS=vc7.1 This was necessary before being able to build boost * when I CD into the HELLO example for bjam and try a Bjam I GET warning: no toolsets are configured. warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs. warning: please consult the documentation. C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:1073: in construct from module object(exe-t arget-class)@1 error: unable to construct ./hello C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:914: in object(exe-target-class)@1.generate from module object(exe-target-class)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:510: in generate-really from module object( main-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:483: in object(main-target)@1.generate from module object(main-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:179: in object(project-target)@1.generate f rom module object(project-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2\build-system. jam:160: in load from module build-system C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\..\ke rnel\modules.jam:259: in import from module modu les C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\..\ke rnel\bootstrap.jam:120: in boost-build from modu le C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\boost -build.jam:2: in module scope from module When I TRY: bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1 bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" bjam debug bjam release bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" debug bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" release I always get the above errors If I COPY the files in \tools\build\v2\example\hello to the ROOT of boost (and overwrite the jam file there)- IT DOES BUILD PROPERLY I have build bjam and stepped through it in the IDE and was not able to make much of what the source was doing (other than it looks like a lot of recursive parsing of files) (spent most of my evening yesterday doing that. MY QUESTIONS: * Which is the right version of boost to be running here? * does the \tools\build\v2\example\hello sample bjam compile for anyone else? (i.e. is it broken?) * is there a good sample of a simple working example for bjam somewhere else? * Any ideas on why I can BUILD BOOST but not any of the subprojects (everything else I have tried has the same problems) * How do you folks debug this thing- ****any**** techniques would be helpful * is the toolsets it is complaining about the COMPILER (i.e. TOOLS envvar?) or is it something else entirely? * HELP ! :) I am doing this pain because I am trying to get boost defined as the standard in my company (It is within my power to do that). I would also like to use the bjam tool as our standard build tool, but I FIRST need to figure out how to build projects with it (grin). Thanks to anyone for thoughts or things to try. Thanks Brian C Braatz