Hi Tony.
I am trying to build the tutorial example showing how to call a c++ function from a python script. When I run bjam I get the following message. I am using MSVC++ 2005 Express Edition.
C:/Program Files/boost/boost_1_35_0/tools /build/v2/tools\msvc.jam:263: in confiure-really *** argument error * rule path.make ( native ) * called with: ( ) * missing argument native C:/Program Files/boost/boost_1_35_0/tools/build/v2/util\path.jam:42: see definiton of rule 'make' being called
What I find real strange here is that your log states 'confiure' instead of 'configure'. Where did this typo come from? Boost Build coming with Boost 1.35.0 release does not have it. What version of Boost Build are you using?
I created a user-config.jam file in my home directory. Its contents are below.
# MSVC configuration using msvc : 8.0 ;
# Python configuration using python : 2.5 : C:/Program Files/Python25 ;
One thing that could likely go wrong with this is that the python path you listed contains spaces but you do not quote it. You should most likely rewrite that last line as:
using python : 2.5 : "C:/Program Files/Python25" ;
Hope this helps. Best regards, Jurko Gospodnetić