Hi, I'm getting this runtime error in my program. c:\stlport-4.6.2\stlport\stl\debug\_iterator.h(179): STL assertion failure : __check_same_owner(__x, __y) The code that causes this is like this (Actual code slightly modified). It is the access of the match that triggers the error above. boost::smatch m; if (regex_match(s, m, reg)) { (here)--> s_info.version = m[1]; } I'm using stlport 4.6.2 with boost-1.32 on W2K and VC6 SP6. stlport is built with default options and boost is built like this: boost-jam-3.1.10-1-ntx86/bjam.exe -sTOOLS=msvc-stlport -sSTLPORT_PATH="c:" -sSTLPORT_VERSION=4.6.2 -sBUILD="debug release <runtime-link>static <threading>multi <stlport-iostream>on" install Any idea what can be wrong? Surely a simple access of the resulting match shouldn't cause this type of assertion to fire (or is there some subtle bug in my program that I'm missing!?) Please note that the program works OK using boost without stlport. Yours -- %% Mats