On Nov 21, 2004, at 11:55 PM, Miro Jurisic wrote:
In article <61CD5B44-3C34-11D9-9A44-003065D18932@twcny.rr.com>, Howard Hinnant
wrote: I've just installed the boost library on my windows machine. I was using bjam with codewarrior compiler (mwcc) to build those libraries. After installation of libraries, I tried to run a "hello world" program with the same IDE (metrowerks codewarrior) but I couldn't make that work.
I'm not positive, but I'm guessing you're not set up to use MSL C, but BSD C instead. In BSD C, size_t is not in namespace std (not sure, but this statement may depend upon your version of the Apple Developer Kit as well). You might try starting with CodeWarrior stationary which should set up the correct access paths for you. Your results will also depend upon what version of CodeWarrior you're running.
Howard, I understood him to be on Windows.
<chuckle> Well, I did say I wasn't positive. :-) Thanks Miro. Ok, let me try again...
Error : undefined identifier 'std::size_t' (included from: cwchar:8 localeimp:18 istream:147 niostream:17 iostream:33 hello.cpp:12) wchar.h line 25 using std::size_t;
This is picking up: ...\boost\compatibility\cpp_c_headers\cwchar instead of: ...\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_Common\Include\cwchar So it looks like an access path problem. Try putting your boost path in your system paths, and after the MSL path. Hope this time I'm a little more helpful. -Howard