Hi Steve, Igor A fix for this bug has been checked into the trunk: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/52616 Tests run fine for me on VC9.0. If you're using a different compiler and feeling adventurous, you may use the trunk version of Statechart right away. Otherwise, please wait until testrunners have caught up (rev 52616), please see ... http://www.boost.org/development/tests/trunk/developer/statechart.html ... and make sure that the fields at the intersection of FifoSchedulerTest* and your compiler show all green. I'll be monitoring the test results over the next few days, and be fixing bugs as they appear. As soon as tests have been run on most platforms I'll merge to the release branch, so that this fix should make it into the 1.39 Boost release. Sorry for the trouble and the delay... HTH, -- Andreas Huber When replying by private email, please remove the words spam and trap from the address shown in the header.