On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 17:09:20 -0700 (PDT), Ansuman Kar wrote
I'm a newbie user of Boost libraries. We have a requirement for making our sources work on Win32 and Pocket PC platforms. From my early look inside the boost libraries I can see the serious advantages of using them; but would like to find out which Boost libraries are supported on Pocket PC before using them.
I seem to remember some discussion long ago of some users of Boost on pocket PC. That said, we don't have an official regression test on the platform, so it's a bit hard to tell what would work and what wouldn't. Probably the biggest question, is what tools you would use (compiler/standard lib/platform api). If you are using something usual like VC7.1 I would expect support to be very good. Some libs like filesystem/threads/date-time (just to pick some) that have some tie to platform API's might be trickier if the normal windows/posix api's aren't supported. Even if you run into some trouble Boost authors are usually pretty responsive about helping with porting to new environments, etc. So my suggestion is you just give it a try it. It won't cost you much time to see if it's reasonable. If you go to most libraries you are thinking using in the libs/<somelib>/test directory and run bjam it will run the test suite for that lib.
Quick searches through google and on boost.org site did not provide authoritative results, so I'm posting this question here - please let me know if a different alias is better suited for this question.
This is the right place to ask... HTH, Jeff