Which graph do you use as input? Are you using
https://github.com/boostorg/graph/blob/master/test/weighted_graph.gr ? This
graph is probably just too small to benefit from additional processes.
Could you try some input that runs for at least few seconds on a single
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 9:36 AM Mayank Bakshi
I want to utilize boost MPI to increase performance of graph code. When I run standard examples in libs/graph_parallel/examples/, bfs does not give better performance with more than 1 process taken in mpirun (using openmpi 1.8.3). The timing is as follows:
No of Processes Time (ms)
1 40.80 2 82.19 4 92.67 8 76.86 16 91.61
Any suggestions to improve the performance with processes as graph parallel should use more ranks for better performance.
Thanks & Regards Mayank Bakshi Tata Consultancy Services Limited Cell:- 7083955990 Mailto: mayank.bakshi@tcs.com Website: http://www.tcs.com ____________________________________________ Experience certainty. IT Services Business Solutions Consulting ____________________________________________
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