The serialization library is designed to make the possible - and hopefully easy - without modification of the BGL library. This depends on the BGL library exposing enough information in order to save and load back the state of the objects it uses. I can't know that it does this. Note that serialization is implemented totally non-intrusively for all std collections, variant and now shared_ptr. So what you want to do should be possible. Robert Ramey Jean-Noël Rivasseau wrote:
I was wondering if one could use Boost serialization library with the Boost Graph Library. Specifically, if one my class holds a graph (for example, an adjacency_list class), is it possible to serialize it? From what I've read from the Boost serialization documentation, this doesn't seem possible as it eventually requires access to the class members; in the case of the BGL, the implementation of the classes is probably so complex that I wouldn't go through that route; plus, they may very well be private.
I was wondering if there is any way to do serialization via the public interface of the BGL (ie, add_edge, etc...) ? If I understood the Serialization library correctly, everything works via the operator & which acts as >> and <<. If I define a << operator for the BGL classes, that implement the export / import operations, needed, would it be possible to use the BGL with serialization?
Any help from knowledgeable people would be appreciated (I now have a quite good knowledge of the BGL but I am new to the serialization library).