On 21/04/2008, 7stud
Are you using Xcode? I can't find a setting in Xcode for the compiler. When I create a new project, I choose Command Line Utility>C++ Tool. Then Xcode creates the project for me. I don't know what I should do to run the boost program in Xcode.
I don't normally use Xcode, but I had a quick look. If you start a C++ project, choose 'edit project settings' from the project menu then select the 'build' tab there are options for 'Header Search Paths' which is probably what you need to set. I expect you need to add '/usr/local/boost_1_34_1' to 'Header Search Paths'. You might have better luck asking on an Xcode mailing list. I found a thread starting at: http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2007/Oct/msg00270.html If you look through the replies there's some useful information. Daniel