11 Jul
11 Jul
1:52 p.m.
Can you help me writing a simple function that iterates on all subgraphs in the .dot file and print out the
1. subgraph name
2. for each edge source label / edge label / target label
I've tryed with this but didn't work:
boost::GraphvizDigraph g;
boost::read_graphviz(efsmfile, g);
boost::GraphvizDigraph::children_iterator subgraph_index, subgraph_end;
for (boost::tie(subgraph_index, subgraph_end) = g.children(); subgraph_index != subgraph_end; subgraph_index++) {
cout << get_graph_name(*subgraph_index) << endl;
const string& EFSM::get_graph_name(const Graph& g) {
const typename boost::graph_property