23 Oct
23 Oct
8:57 p.m.
Lee FireStorm wrote:
I have do it in linux as3.0, and all is ok. While I had to compiler boost 1.33 under windows and use the older compilers - MSVC 6. All env set, I think , is well. That is:
SET MSVC_ROOT="c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98" SET VISUALC="c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98" PATH=d:\boost_1_33_0;d:\boost_1_33_0\tools\build\jam_src\bin.ntx86;%PATH% set SPIRIT_ROOT=c:/spirit16
I successfully got some libs as data_time, thread ,regex, etc. Except serialization.
I download spirit-1.6.1,spirit-only-1.6.1,spirit-1.6.3,spirit-only-1.6.3. I tried everyone of these four, and all failed.
compilation?, linkage? lib building?, tests? or what? Robert Ramey