On 7 Sep 2013 at 10:18, Vicente J. Botet Escriba wrote:
A lot of changes have been made to Boost.Thread in recent editions to match APIs with the C++11 standard library. That, inevitably, will cause older compilers some parsing difficulties, even in C++03 mode (e.g. good luck getting VS2010 to not ICE with function types as template parameters). In AFIO we certainly had to do a LOT of rewriting code via trial and error until VS2010 wouldn't ICE.
Hope that helps. Niall, I don't know if you are referring to difficulties with your usage of Boost.Thread or simply VS2010.
VS2010. Older visual studios don't like a boost::packaged_task
If you have found some abnormal behavior in Boost.Thread, please state it explicitly, and I will try to help.
No, my general, if poorly stated, advice to Gavin was to either use older Boosts with older compilers, or expect to have to trial and error ICE avoidance which is never fun. Or use a newer Visual Studio. Sorry for being unclear. Niall -- Currently unemployed and looking for work. Work Portfolio: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/nialldouglas/