Hi everyone, I'm using a multi_index_container with 1 composite ordered_unique index and 1 hashed unique index. It have passed the unit tests perfectly, but when I have made the performance test, insertions into multi-index container went much slower than with a manual management. That grows exponentially with the number of insertions: 1000 insertions take 1.5 seconds, almost twice that without Multi-index library 10000 insertions take 160 seconds, thousands of times that without Multi-index library Below you can see my multi_index_container definition, and the insert calls that i have used. -----------------BEGIN CODE----------------- // TElementRec is a struct with its contructors // // Tags struct TMainIndexTag{}; struct TKeyIndexTag{}; typedef multi_index_container< TElementRec, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag<TMainIndexTag>, composite_key< TElementRec, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(TElementRec,PRIORITY_LEVEL,priority), BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(TElementRec,int,inputTimestamp), BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(TElementRec,TKey,key) > >, hashed_unique< tag<TKeyIndexTag>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(TElementRec,TKey,key) > >
// Using... TElementsMIContainer elMIContainer; elMIContainer.insert( elMIContainer.template get<TMainIndexTag>().end(), TElementRec( priority, key, content, inputTimestamp, 0 )); elMIContainer.insert( TElementRec( priority, key, content, inputTimestamp, 0 )); -----------------END CODE----------------- Is this boost implementation correct? Thanks a lot for your time Angel Suñe Marti