Hi. I'm not having any luck with finding out whether a folder is writable or not, on Windows. Is Boost.Filesystem (1.64) supposed to work on Windows for permissions? Especially in "special" folders like those in "C:\Program Files"? C:\Program Files\Vendor\App>echo foo > bar Access is denied. But Boost.Filesystem reports permissions as rw-rw-rw-, when printing them using the BFS-equivalent to the example available on CppReference https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/filesystem/perms Despite obviously the folder not being writable, w/o being an administrator. I'm naively using simple code like below: ``` fs::path path(name); fs::file_status stat = fs::status(path); fs::perms p = stat.permissions(); demo_perms(p); ``` Am I missing something obvious? Thanks, --DD PS: I worked around the above, actually trying to create a file, but that has corner cases too, and I'd much prefer a reliable and cross-platform .permissions() from Boost. Smoothing-over platform differences is one "raison d'etre" from Boost after all, no?