Hi John, I was reviewing the change you made above. I'm not claiming that I fully understand the code. I was just curious because in this section of code there are 8 definitions of the call_once function. 4 of them do not use the BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF macro while 4 do. Your modification enclosed the last 3 functions using the BOOST_THREAD_RV_REF macro. Again out of curiosity, I moved the beginning of your #if one function upwards. When I did this, it eliminated all the remaining call_once errors that I mentioned in my previous email, i.e. problems 1 & 2 have disappeared. Only problems 3 to 5 remain. Problem #3, I reviewed the definitions of the invoke function. They seem strange to me because I can see identical function signatures and body with the only difference being the template arguments. It's even stranger because the additional template argument is not used. Problem #4, due to my lack of familiarity with the code, I'm unable to track down the missing type. Problem #5, I didn't even try to figure it out because I don't know Python. That's all I have for now, I hope this helps. Regards, Leo