If I post here which libraries failed, and then show the log file again, will I get more help that way?
I passed arguments "--prefix=C:/Boost" and "--build-dir=C:/Boost_Build", and I have no Boost directory right now even after the build completed. And I had that same "failed updating 44 targets" error again too. But I do have .lib files for the following libraries in the stage/lib directory in C:/boost_1_69_0:
Atomic, Chrono, Container, Context, Contract, Coroutine, Date_time, Exception, Fiber, Filesystem, Graph, Iostreams, Locale, Math_c99 (including f and l ones), Math_tr1 (including f and l ones), Prg_exec_monitor, Program_options, Python37, Random, Regex, Serialization, Stacktrace_noop, System, Text_exec_monitor, Thread, Timer, Type_erasure, Unit_test_framework, Wave, Wserialization.
I don't have shared libraries, though. But maybe I don't those anymore. I ran b2 without specifying anything other than "--layout=versioned" , "-d+2", and the prefix and build-dir flags. And directed the output to a log file like before. Though it could be that some of the .lib files for each of the libraries failed to build.
From: Boost-users
b2 -a will try to build everything from scratch.
(If you want a completely clean re-build, you can, are from time to time should, delete the whole of the folder bin.v2 before running b2 with all your options - most conveniently in a .bat file). Sadly I have no idea on individual failures, but I fear you will have to raise a query with each failing library maintainer (on this list) to find what is missing to build the failing libraries. For example: You are not alone is finding that __imp_CryptEnumProvidersA is missing http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/boost-1-19-0-fails-to-build-random-using-... I think that this should be provided by “Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider” https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/seccrypto/microsoft-enhance... is wincrypt.h inaccessible? Or is there a .dll that you need to link? Sadly Microsoft seem not to provide an index of all these __imp_ items. I've had to guess :-( Keep going! Paul PS 7-zip.org provides the most popular and convenient zipper. --- Paul A. Bristow Prizet Farmhouse Kendal UK LA8 8AB +44 (0) 1539 561830 _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list Boost-users@lists.boost.org https://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users