Are you talking about the added compile time of 5 modules or does the parallel build take 01:50min?
The complete compilation time with two parallel processes takes without policy 01:10min and with policy it takes 01:50min.
Ok, with 2 processes, yes, it might be.
Okay Christophe, I just think, there is no workaround for me to keep the slave machine and the master machine in one dll: The memory problem is gone ( in case I use the favor_compile_time policy),
I also think it's better to separate. When the compiler comes close to the breaking point, the next problem is not far anyway.
but now I receive "bad reloc address in section xyz" messages from the linker regarding the object files of the master and slave state machines (which are compiled in their own TU's.)
Here is the failure message:
*ld.exe: src\TransportLayer\Statemachine\EventDispatcher\SlaveEventDispatcher.o: bad reloc address 0x45 in section `.text$_ZN5boost3msm4back14dispatch_tableINS1_13state_machineI18SlaveStateMachine_NS1_18favor_compile_timeENS_9parameter5void_ES7_S7_EENS_3mpl6v_itemINS8_5_row_INS0_5front3RowINS3_I23CStateSlaveHandshaking_S5_S7_S7_S7_E7exit_ptINSE_29ExitPointHandshakingSucceededEEENSC_4noneENS3_I23CStateSlaveOperational_S5_S7_S7_S7_EESJ_SJ_EEEENSA_INSB_INSD_INSL_7exit_ptINSK_28ExitPointMasterHeartbeatLostEEESJ_SF_SJ_SJ_EEEENSA_INS8_6a_row_INSD_INS4_12StateNoErrorE15EventFatalErrorNS4_14StateTerminateEN11ActionError11ReportErrorESJ_EEEENSA_INST_INSD_ISU_17EventNoTransitionSU_NSX_18ReportNoTransitionESJ_EEEENS9_7vector0IN4mpl_2naEEELi1EEELi1EEELi1EEELi1EEE15EventInitFailedS5_E15call_submachineISL_EENS1_11HandledEnumERS8_iiRKS1D_[__ZN5boost3msm4back14dispatch_tableINS1_13state_machineI18SlaveStateMachine_NS1 _18favor_compile_timeENS_9parameter5void_ES7_S7_EENS_3mpl6v_itemINS8_5_row_INS0_5front3Ro_?I'*
Hmmm, never seen this. I'd be surprised if it was a msm bug. Usually, msm bugs are at the compiler level. But I have seen many strange linker problems when coming to the limit, yes.
...splitting the master and slave state machines into two different dlls produces no problems.
This confirms what I thought.
Hmm, I was thinking, if you would be interested to take a look at my code. I can send it to you via personal mail etc.. Maybe there is a bug in the use of your library or what ever...
I can have a look. It could take a few days before I can look thoughly though, but I might be able to give you a few tips. You know my email address ;-)
Cheers, Christophe