Maybe not the best solution performance-wise, but you can try the following:
typedef float (A::*pfn)(int, float);
typedef boost::function3
I'm interested in using boost::bind and std::transform to iterate through a container of member functions and initialize another container with the results. I've read through the documentation pretty carefully - in particular this bit from the bind documentation:
typedef void (*pf)(int);
std::vector<pf> v;
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), bind(apply<void>(), _1, 5));
So I've been able to iterator through a set of *non* member functions and intialize another container with the results. When I try the code below, I get the following error message:
boost/bind/apply.hpp:39: must use .* or ->* to call pointer-to-member function in `f (...)'
I have tried several variations involving mem_fn to try and create the appropriate functors, but so far, no joy. Is there a known solution to accomplish what I want to do?
#include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include "boost/bind.hpp" #include "boost/bind/apply.hpp"
using namespace std; using namespace boost;
struct A { float a(int m, float x) { return m * x;} float b(int m, float x) { return m + x;} float c(int m, float x) { return m - x;} float d(int m, float x) { return m / x;} };
typedef float (A::*pfn)(int, float);
int main() { A a; int m = 2; float x = 3.0;
vector<pfn> v; vector<float> f;
v.push_back(&A::a); v.push_back(&A::b); v.push_back(&A::c); v.push_back(&A::d);
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(f), bind(apply<float>(), _1, a, m, x));
copy(f.begin(), f.end(), ostream_iterator<float>(cout, "\n")); }