Alexis H. Rivera-Rios wrote:
This is the output of running the command line with the d+4 and d+2 option respectively. I'm running the command from the dos shell (cmd.exe). As far as the filesystem. The filesystem is NTFS.
Thanks, Alex
C:\opt\boost_1_31_0>bjam -sTOOLS=mingw -sPYTHON_ROOT=c:\Python23 -sPYTHON_VERSIO N=2.3 -d+4 Executing raw command directly Executing command [g++] [-Wl,--exclude-symbols,_bss_end__:_bss_start__:_data_end __:_data_start__] [-Wl,--out-implib,bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_ti me.dll\mingw\debug\boost_date_time-mgw-d-1_31.lib] [-g] [-shared] [-mno-cygwin] [-o] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\debug\boost_date _time-mgw-d-1_31.dll"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\ming w\debug\greg_month.obj"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mi ngw\debug\greg_weekday.obj"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dl l\mingw\debug\date_generators.obj"] spawn: Invalid argument
That looks fine, expect for the spawn error ;-) So the obvious question comes up.. What happens when you execute in the command line "g++ --version" ?? Or to put it more simply is your MinGW/bin directory in your PATH? -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com - 102708583/icq