At 10:48 PM 12/9/2003, Scott Meyers wrote:
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to make it work for VC7.1. This is my most recent effort:
set BOOST_FILESYSTEM_LIB=D:\C++\Boost\Current\libs\filesystem\build\bin\libboost _filesystem.lib \vc7\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\libboost_filesystem.lib cl /TP /W4 /WL /GX /GR -ID:\C++\Boost\Current simple_ls.cpp /link /defaultlib:% BOOST_FILESYSTEM_LIB%
Try a slight variation: cl /TP /W4 /WL /GX /GR -ID:\C++\Boost\Current simple_ls.cpp %BOOST_FILESYSTEM_LIB% (That's all on the same line, of course.) Please note that we are close to release 1.31.0, and it will have much improved library auto-linking for VC++ and some other Win32 compilers. The library names for all compilers will change, however, so don't cast anything in concrete that depends on the current names. --Beman