Boost 1.32 (I've downloaded it last week or so).
On the bottom you can find the complete program. (In other newsgroups I
often saw people complaining about having to read the whole source code - I
suppose they didn't mean minimal examples, am I right?)
"Peter Dimov"
Agoston Bejo wrote:
[Platform: VC++7.1 (I always forget to mention this, only that's why I added it now.)]
Actually what you have suggested is one of the two workarounds I came accross when googling the net. The other one was this (IMHO it would be slightly more elegant if it worked):
cout << *find_if(ia, ia+5, boost::not1( make_adaptable
(bind(equ, _1, 1)))) << endl; But it generated an error.
Compiles here (but the linker dies with an internal error ;-) ). Which version of Boost are you using?
(Please post complete programs in the future. Thanks in advance.)
There it goes:
// xNot1Bind.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>