Dear all,
I have a graph, but when I remove the last vertex, the edge isn't removed.
This can even lead to a crash.
typedef boost::adjacency_list >
> GraphCrash;
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphCrash>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphCrash>::edge_descriptor edge_t;
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphCrash>::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
typedef boost::graph_traits<GraphCrash>::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
GraphCrash graph;
vertex_t v1 = boost::add_vertex(graph);
boost::put(boost::vertex_name, graph, v1, "v1");
vertex_t v2 = boost::add_vertex(graph);
boost::put(boost::vertex_name, graph, v2, "v2");
boost::add_edge(v1, v2, graph);
//remove last vertex
boost::remove_vertex(v2, graph);
//should not give any edge, however...:
std::pair prEdges;
for (prEdges = boost::edges(graph); prEdges.first != prEdges.second;
const edge_t e = *prEdges.first;
const vertex_t u = boost::source(e, rGraph);
const vertex_t v = boost::target(e, rGraph);
Do I something wrong? I use vc++ 7.1.
(btw entering this message through gmane, it bounces back, with error that
is is a top posting. Strange...)
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