Ion GaztaƱaga 2014-11-10 10:52:
As said, listdc++ uses memcmp. MSVC uses it only for chars, libc++ does not use memcmp. So Boost.Container will need to implement its own optimization based on libcstd++ ideas: pointers and integers (asumming no padding or trap representation) can be memcmp-ed on all platforms Boost runs. PODs, due to float signed zero and Nan, can't be memcmp-ed.
A similar optimization could be done for lexicographical_compare, but only for unsigned chars. Unsigned integers might work in Big Endian machines. In any case, I consider this a very specific optimization that chould not be crucial.
Ok, in what namespaces/file should I implement it? -- Regards, niXman ___________________________________________________ Dual-target(32 & 64-bit) MinGW-W64 compilers for 32 and 64-bit Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/ ___________________________________________________ Another online IDE: http://liveworkspace.org/