AMDG On 03/24/2011 10:04 PM, alfC wrote:
Hi, Boost.Units offers automatic conversion (if conversion factor is defined) on construction of variables:
quantitycgs::lengh A = 4.*cgs::centimeter; quantitysi::length a(A);
nice! But for some reason I believe this would work for argument functions
double f(quantitysi::length v){ return 1.;} ... quantitycgs::lengh A = 4.*cgs::centimeter f(A); // doesn't work! not matching function
why is this? isn't the argument of the call a sort of construction argument for the function argument, or is more like a plain assignment. Is there a way to force the automatic conversion of the function call.
Or I am forced to use this other long call?
Yes. The constructor is explicit. In Christ, Steven Watanabe