On 11/30/05, David M Garza
John Maddock wrote:
When I tried the pointer_test.cpp test program it failed with a seg fault. I compiled the test program by just pointing the compiler at the header files from the tarball. I wanted to be sure I had the library properly installed so I'm back to troubleshooting the installation.
Not good: what you did should work, but without knowing more it's impossible to tell what the issue is. Try using bjam to build and run the smart_ptr tests:
cd libs/smart_ptr/test bjam -sTOOLS=gcc test
I get 7 failures:
smart_ptr_test shared_ptr_basic_test shared_ptr_test weak_ptr_test shared_from_this_test get_deleter_test shared_ptr_alloc_test
I don't use bjam and haven't ever run the tests in boost, but on HP 11.11 and gcc 3.2.3 we have had extensive troubles with -O2. Plenty of differences from your situation, but it may be worth a try.