Charles Yates
Hi, Just wanted a second opinion on how best to handle calling functions which
invoke BOOST_REQUIRE and BOOST_CHECK type logic.
For example, if I have a test like:
void stuff( ... ) { BOOST_REQUIRE( ... ); BOOST_CHECK( ... ); }
BOOST_AUTO_TEST( check_stuff ) { stuff( case1 ); stuff( case2 );
stuff( case3 );
in the CLF log case at least, I only see which lines in stuff failed, but not which which case.
There is not much you can do in release version of Boost.Test (well you can add some print statement in staff indicating which case is being tested). In new Boost.Test there are new tools to help with specifically this problem: BOOST_TEST_INFO, BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT. These would provide a context information in case of failures, allowing you to see where specifically you failed. Gennadiy