Hello: Environment: Windows 2K, MSVC 6 SP5, Boost 1.30.0 I'm new to BGL ( 2 days experience ) and am trying to use the connected components graph. My implementation seems to be OK for my small test case ( 10 verticies) but when I run my "real data" through it ( 15000 verticies) I get a stack overflow error. I note that there is a patch in the sourceforge CVS for the dfs algoritm which implements a non-recursive solution from dgregor that I understand will avoid the stack overflow. I naively downloaded the "depth_first_search.hpp" V1.35 from the CVS and of course it doesn't compile. The question: "How can I apply the patch to fix the stack problem( ie how to determine what and where are the other files I need or do I download the entire current version ( ie tag MAIN)?" Thanks for any help Frank