It is easily built using VS2012. Try this batch file. @ECHO OFF CLS SET DRIVE=D: SET BOOSTVER=1_53_0 @PUSHD %DRIVE%\boost_%BOOSTVER% @IF NOT EXIST bjam.exe call bootstrap @IF NOT EXIST bjam.txt bjam --help > bjam.txt @IF NOT EXIST bjam_libs.txt bjam --show-libraries > bjam_libs.txt @IF NOT EXIST bjam_obscure_options.txt bjam --help-options > bjam_obscure_options.txt @IF EXIST msvs_build.log del msvs_build.log @ECHO ON @ECHO Building Boost libraries for Visual Studio b2 -a -q -j4 --prefix=%DRIVE%\boost --build-type=complete --build-dir=%DRIVE%\boostBuild_MSVS_%BOOSTVER% toolset=msvc threading=multi runtime-link=shared --without-python install >msvs_build.log 2>&1 @POPD SGL steven.lemay@igt.commailto:steven.lemay@igt.com From: Boost-users [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Scott Alexander Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 12:18 AM To: boost-users@lists.boost.org Subject: [Boost-users] Visual Studio Professional 2012 Hi, Does Boost 1.51 support Visual Studio Professional 2012? I would like to use Boost 1.53 but the latest installer I can find is for 1.51 (from http://www.boostpro.com/download/). Where can I find and installer for the latest version? Thanks, Scott