-----Original Message----- From: Stephen Turner [mailto:sturner@clicktracks.com] Sent: 04 January 2007 16:02 To: 'boost-users@lists.boost.org' Subject: RE: [date_time] timezone rules for different years
Actually, I think the hardest part would be populating the date_time_zonespec.csv file. Is there already a program to generate that file from the zoneinfo files, or was it done semi-by-hand?
Of course, an alternative might be for the library to read the actual zoneinfo files, rather than to extend the intermediate zonespec.csv format. I'm not sure which would be better. -- Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/ "The internet is a reflection of our society. If we do not like what we see, the problem is not to fix the mirror, we have to fix society." (Vint Cerf)