Hello, I built boost 1.33.1 on my PC with the source for the bzip2 and zlib libraries in order to enable the Iostreams compression filters. While doing this, I discovered that "-sNO_COMPRESSION=0" in the bjam options, (in order to override the defaults that are selected for building on the PC platform), causes the build process to stop. Just leave it out. Also, the bzip2 and zlib libraries aren't copied with the rest of the libraries. You need to find them and copy them into place manually. I suspect this to be a bug in the Jamfile. This is the command that I issued to build Boost and the compression libraries: bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-7_1" "--prefix=c:\Boost" "--exec-prefix=c:\Boost\MSVC71" "--builddir=c:\temp\boostbuild" "--with-python-root=c:\Python" "--with-python-version=2.5" "-sBZIP2_SOURCE=c:\Downloads\Boost\bzip2-1.0.4" "-sZLIB_SOURCE=c:\Downloads\Boost\zlib-1.2.3" install Regards, Peter. Warning: Copyright ResMed. Where the contents of this email and/or attachment includes materials prepared by ResMed, the use of those materials is subject exclusively to the conditions of engagement between ResMed and the intended recipient. This communication is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. By the use of email over the Internet or other communication systems, ResMed is not waiving either confidentiality of, or legal privilege in,the content of the email and of any attachments. If the recipient of this message is not the intended addressee, please call ResMed immediately on +61 2 8884 1000 Sydney, Australia.