23 Aug
23 Aug
3:01 p.m.
On Aug 22, 2004, at 6:09 PM, Jeff Holle wrote:
I'm using boost.graph captured from CVS on Tue Jun 29 05:25:17 EDT 2004. The type of graph that I'm using is: typedef boost::adjacency_listboost::vecS,boost::vecS,boost::bidirectionalS GraphT;
If you are removing/adding vertices often, you might consider using boost::listS for the vertex list. It depends, as always, on the number of insertions/deletions vs. traversals.
The last thing I tried was: clear_vertex(*vi); remove_vertex(*vi); The gerdemann.cpp example gave me this idea.
The clear_vertex did the job that I need in that the necessary edges disappeared. However, the remove_vertex still does not remove the vertexs.
Do you have an example? Doug