On second thought, even though I've found the operators they don't do what I
expected them to do in my tests. So, I have the following stream, which is a
seekable device:
boost::iostreams::stream<MyStreamDevice> IOStream;
void foo()
char data;
IOStream >> data;
I expected here that MyStreamDevice::read() would be called with a request
for 1 byte, since the sizeof( data ) is 1 byte. I want my stream to act as
binary, so the bitshift operators should attempt to "fill" the right operand
with as much as it can. For longs, this would be 4 bytes for example.
Do I have to overload my own generic bitshift operators for this behavior or
does Boost.Iostreams supply some overloaded bitshift operators that provide
such functionality?
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Robert Dailey
Sorry, I posted too early, I found the answer in the documentation. I was looking around forever and I couldn't find it :)
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Robert Dailey
wrote: Does the Boost.Iostreams library have overloaded bitshift operators? That way I could do:
boost::iostreams::stream<myclass> theOutputStream; theOutputStream << MyData;