Hi, this is my first post. I'm experimenting with boost 1.55.0 having last used version 1.3.mumble. I'm porting some old classes to see what changes there are and it has been quite smooth, with spirit stuff coming over easily using the classic namespace. One of my old wrapper classes typedefs boost::detail::thread::scoped_lockboost::recursive_mutex which seems to be missing from the latest version. Replaced with boost::mutex::scoped_lock perhaps? I expect to find other changes i thread... Can anyone point me to an explanation of changes to Boost thread that would help smooth this transition. Cheers, Jono -- ------------------------------ This email, including any attachments, is only for the intended recipient. It is subject to copyright, is confidential and may be the subject of legal or other privilege, none of which is waived or lost by reason of this transmission. If you are not an intended recipient, you may not use, disseminate, distribute or reproduce such email, any attachments, or any part thereof. If you have received a message in error, please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the message and any attachments. Unfortunately, we cannot warrant that the email has not been altered or corrupted during transmission nor can we guarantee that any email or any attachments are free from computer viruses or other conditions which may damage or interfere with recipient data, hardware or software. The recipient relies upon its own procedures and assumes all risk of use and of opening any attachments. ------------------------------